Sunday, May 22, 2011


I was born and raised in a country that was more concerned with the health and well being of it's people than it was with money.
A country that set and maintained high standards of conduct when dealing with
our own and those of another country.
A country that could be counted on to help and guide others around the world,
As a lighthouse guided ships in the night.
A country that held itself with dignity and earned it's respect,
No matter the circumstances under which it was found to be in.
We,as a country were an example of just law and the international keeper of
We were the beacon of goodwill and all other nations saw in us the highest
example of morality.

Today however,I find myself living in a country where money can buy anything-
Even when human life is at stake.
A country where greed is all too abundant.
A country whose conduct has not only been questioned on numerous
occasions throughout time but, whose conduct has been shown to be deceitful
and in the words of our military,unbecoming.
The worst can only be described as sadistic.(secret experiments on our own-
for one example)
A country whose guiding light has been found to be misleading.
A light that no longer beckons so much as it blinds.
A country that forgot dignity and does not so much earn it's respect
as it demands it.---Much like the dictatorships of other nations we claim to
A country that claims to condemn terrorists and the actions there of.
Yet,before my eyes there on t.v was our own,dumping the dead body of
a terrorist into the sea for everyone around the world  to view.It was'nt enough
he was dead.
-And then the dancing and/or celebrating on camera---much like terrorists do
after taking a hostage........not only owning the deed but then making a video
to document what happens next----sometimes,exploiting the body to the world
before "dumping" it.
A country that crossed a line and let the world see it.Morality clearly not
present...........A "Do as I say,not as I do" type of thing.
A countrys goodwill and freedoms going to the highest bidder,
As the land inside it's borders.

The country I was born in and raised in,
The country I find myself living in today,
are infact,one in the same.
The difference being that one is the ideals of the young
(which I now keep in my heart)
The other is the reality in which I live, that comes with years.
As with fairytales,I could'nt keep my eyes closed forever.

I love my country.I am grateful to have been fortunate enough to be
a born citizen.However,it saddens me to know that what is TRULY
important and what is deemed as important,are often two different things.

Somewhere,back in our country's history,it was decided that "WE THE PEOPLE"
meant only a "select" group.
Somewhere.....................WE lost our way.

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