Saturday, March 26, 2011


I've thought about going organic.Actually,someone I know preached to me  steadily about it.This person,whom I'll call "Pat", believes organic is the ONLY way to go.It's healthier and it's easy pat said.It's about the choices I choose to make.....This coming from someone whom also goes on organic juice diets for a week or two at a time to "cleanse" their body.................Now,I'd imagine if you could hear Pats body talk,it would scream   "Not this again!"--but,besides that,Pat IS organic and gets on the soap box every chance they get.......Okay. Good for Pat.......Kudos.  I think if you can make the commitment and stick to it, no matter where you are at any given time---Great!..And by Pats accounts,they do. EVERYTHING,A to Z is organic,even bakery! WOW! .....That's what I thought............Yes, thought.                                           You see,after feeling sooo inadequate about the choices I make, I ran into  Pat at Mc D's supper club. ( McDonalds,to those of you not familiar with my terminology) I was shocked. Pat was clearly embarrased......FOR EVERYONE KNOWS there aren't special items on the menu for "ORGANIC ONLY" people. You would never order AN ORGANIC DOUBLE CHEESE BURGER with ORGANIC GROWN POTATO FRIES, nor a  ORGANIC STRAWBERRY/BANANA SMOOTHIE to go with that!.....No,Mc D's is about the "forbidden",especially if you are organic.  I,for one,don't know exactly what the cows dine on-whether it's caviar, grass or feed before they're made into burgers-Heck! I don't know if my type of cow is theres. And,I don't know where the potatoes they use come from......I only know that whether I'm shopping or on the road and I get hungry,chances are Mc D's it'll be.    It may not be the healthiest but,it's convenient .....and apparently, sometimes even Pat likes convenient when they're hungry.          Yes,it is about the choices WE make......and I have chosen NOT to be organic.I wash whatever needs washing and well,I admit it........I eat non-organic doughnuts!  I've never "cleansed" my body internally ( don't know if it works or is even good for you) BUT NOW I think I know why Pat does--It's all about the choices they make!

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