Thursday, March 31, 2011


I don't know about other women but,I'm sick of men claiming they don't know what we,women want--that we never tell them.We Do tell them,It's just that THEY DON'T listen!For instance:  We'll tell our men to pick up an item for us at the store.....Even write it down-specific brand and all(if required) Chances are they"ll come home and tell us "I could'nt find it,So I got you this instead"
Now apparently,YOU don't read neither,because if you did,YOU would see WE DID'NT list an alternate.
(never mind,we may think you've overlooked it or did'nt look hard enough) WHATEVER,-We did'nt want
"THIS". So now YOU'VE MADE us upset because " THIS" is something WE'LL have to take back--If you
have the receipt--If Not-WE'LL have to throw or give "THIS" away.-Costing us twice the amount of money
when WE pick up the right item.We might also feel guilt for not being able to use "THIS" that YOU brought home.I know I don't like money going down the toilet. WE GET REALLY UPSET when YOU tell us
"Better than nothing".......THINK AGAIN,EINSTEIN!
RULE # 1-READ (exactly as written) If you don't have a list,it's usually because YOU tell us "I'LL
RULE #2--REMEMBER..........If you do come home saying "I could'nt find it" or "I forgot"
DON'T BRING US "THIS"----Rule 2 also applies to special occasions--MOST of which are advertised
way ahead of time. THERE'S NO EXCUSE!
Our birthdays,anniversaries and such BETTER BE FILED UNDER "SPORTING EVENTS" upstairs if
it'll help you REMEMBER!.....As for gifts..YOU WILL KNOW what to get us,if YOU take the time to
think and/or listen. For instance,-Valentines Day-If your woman is on a diet,DO NOT give her a box of chocolates! That says YOU GRABBED it off the shelf WITHOUT THINKING of HER. DON'T
expect a reward.The box will end up with "THIS" or thrown across the room AND she'll be hurt by the lack of consideration.
RULE#3 --RESEARCH------This goes for ALL occasions. (If she does tell you what SHE WANTS -and you can afford it-GET her EXACTLY that) Otherwise,LOOK and LISTEN HARDER.But,
DON'T fall back on household appliances and the like.WE KNOW WHEN YOU SLACK!
RULE#4-ROMANCE---(It's NOT just for special occasions) Little things MEAN ALOT!
Kissing,hugging, helping out at home(without being told),bringing her HER FAVORITE snack,beverage,
flowers ect--JUST BECAUSE. Complimenting her also is very nice. BUT BEWARE-IF YOU DO ANY OF IT TO GAIN SOMETHING IN RETURN---WE WILL SMELL A RAT!!
RULE #5--RELAX......but DON'T fall off the planet!
Men have a tendency to talk too much! A conversation can start out "generic" but,if left unchecked--
WE,WOMEN suddenly hear YOU MEN spilling the contents of our personal lives-ESPECIALLY,
things that have to do with us specifically--Right there in front of family,friends and/or acquaintances-
to which, WE give YOU "THE LOOK" YOU MEN DO KNOW what "the look" is--because later,
(AND IT BETTER BE LATER) You'll ask "What'd ya give me that look for?" We'll be mad BUT
If you ask  that question in front of people and we smile and say"what look?" WE'LL BE REALLY MAD!
Last,but NOT least-RULE #6-RESPECT---Look it up in the dictionary if YOU want to know the exact
definition--otherwise treat us and talk about us in a VERY NICE way....not too hard
Is'nt that all that matters?

Monday, March 28, 2011


There's been some debate over whether or not fairy tales such as "Cinderella","Sleeping Beauty",Snow white" and the like,cause emotional harm in the long run. I,for one,like the stories,but do admit I was disappointed when I realized there was'nt going to be a prince riding up on a horse,much less a donkey to whisk me away to a kingdom of bliss.----But,do I think we should omit the "fairy tales" or explain the reality?----Well,If I were to explain the "reality",it'd go something like this:                                                 
 At some point in your life,you're going to meet the man you'll marry--(if you don't choose an alternative be explained later. He MOST likely will NOT be of royalty,have NO white horse,maybe never ridden a horse at all.---YOU may see him as a "prince"at first (even without a horse) but that goes away when you live and/or marry him.                                                                                                          
Since, he is NOT a prince,you will NOT be a princess.-and there will be NO carriage,NO castle,or kingdom.--You'll live in a house,apartment or trailer.
If he holds down a steady job-GOOD
If he's certified in something-EVEN BETTER                                                                             
YOU MOST LIKELY will be chef",maid,laundress,shopper,carpooler, nurse,event planner (nothing just magically happens)financial advisor(a must)and referee-(which includes fights between him and the kids) YOU will also be "handyman" on little fix-it-jobs he "Forgets" or botched.-AND supervisor of jobs he insists on doing where his expertise is questionable.
HE may grumble,rumble,roar,moan,groan, whine and burp.-Talk loud or hardly talk at all,say "idiot"things,-sometimes in front of other people,make noises when he eats and/or sleeps. may hog blankets.
HE may be impatient ,as well as,insensitive-NOT remember or be the type to buy flowers.-If YOU want them,grow them and add "gardener"to your list of titles.
When you's travel someplace,especially for the first time,become an "actress"and fake potty stop to ask directions because HE most likely won't.--Otherwise,sit quietly and enjoy the scenery.
This,my Dear,is the "normal"stuff-but if he hugs you and tells you he loves you,you'll overlook it all and live happily ever after.....sort of.
----SO,what do I think?-Let them keep the fairytale version-
Its only for a little while..........Kids face "reality" soon enough!                                                      
            (Nooow,men may see things a little differently)                                        

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I've thought about going organic.Actually,someone I know preached to me  steadily about it.This person,whom I'll call "Pat", believes organic is the ONLY way to go.It's healthier and it's easy pat said.It's about the choices I choose to make.....This coming from someone whom also goes on organic juice diets for a week or two at a time to "cleanse" their body.................Now,I'd imagine if you could hear Pats body talk,it would scream   "Not this again!"--but,besides that,Pat IS organic and gets on the soap box every chance they get.......Okay. Good for Pat.......Kudos.  I think if you can make the commitment and stick to it, no matter where you are at any given time---Great!..And by Pats accounts,they do. EVERYTHING,A to Z is organic,even bakery! WOW! .....That's what I thought............Yes, thought.                                           You see,after feeling sooo inadequate about the choices I make, I ran into  Pat at Mc D's supper club. ( McDonalds,to those of you not familiar with my terminology) I was shocked. Pat was clearly embarrased......FOR EVERYONE KNOWS there aren't special items on the menu for "ORGANIC ONLY" people. You would never order AN ORGANIC DOUBLE CHEESE BURGER with ORGANIC GROWN POTATO FRIES, nor a  ORGANIC STRAWBERRY/BANANA SMOOTHIE to go with that!.....No,Mc D's is about the "forbidden",especially if you are organic.  I,for one,don't know exactly what the cows dine on-whether it's caviar, grass or feed before they're made into burgers-Heck! I don't know if my type of cow is theres. And,I don't know where the potatoes they use come from......I only know that whether I'm shopping or on the road and I get hungry,chances are Mc D's it'll be.    It may not be the healthiest but,it's convenient .....and apparently, sometimes even Pat likes convenient when they're hungry.          Yes,it is about the choices WE make......and I have chosen NOT to be organic.I wash whatever needs washing and well,I admit it........I eat non-organic doughnuts!  I've never "cleansed" my body internally ( don't know if it works or is even good for you) BUT NOW I think I know why Pat does--It's all about the choices they make!

Friday, March 25, 2011


Right now,there are people making a choice between eating and buying their medication.Right now,their are people who can't afford  their medication all together,let alone seek treatment.Sounds unreal to most,but it is happening right here in america.Some have said "companies will give you free medicine if you can't afford it"..That would be nice.................................................I'm a blue collar worker,laid off.I HATE the fact I need medication daily.I no longer qualify for the insurance I was on,so I filled out forms so that I may get free medication.................Apparently,there is money to be squeezed from me for I was turned down. Hmmmm....Our  rent money?...I suppose.If we  gave up our living quarters,then we'd have no electric bills either.....YES! I'd have enough for my medication!......I and my husband would be homeless but I'd have my pills.....NO!...I take that back,If we left our home,my husband would'nt get his retirement checks AND I STILL would'nt get free medicine because we'd have no address to recieve either. I AND MY HUSBAND would lose and the pharmacutical company ..........well,they still win..                                                            Good thing,I stockpiled months ago by splitting the daily dose in half.....I don't know if I'm experiencing side effects from doing it or what but,for right now..I'm holding my own.THAT apparently,is all I can ask for.................There are people worse off than I am....So my prayers go out to them.                                           I'm good.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


             In this day and age,with computers,world wide access to each other,cellphones,to impulsively reach out and touch each other, I would have expected it to be a much more diverse,predjudice free world.The knowledge that is available to each and everyone of us at any given time to better educate us as a country,a community,-and more importantly as an individual, is amazing!---YET,here we are in a " ME" world.            Sure,we seem to come together in a major tradgedy to help,send money BUT,as soon as that is past news...we go back to being critical,degrading,impatient ,pressurized and skeptical human beings.Most,DON'T even know their neighbor---Don"t want to know their neighbor.YET,when you turn on t.v-you hear someone saying-"WE"RE A TIGHT KNIT COMMUNITY--WE DON'T KNOW WHY THIS HAPPENED HERE" (usually,after a shooting or similar circumstance)I often wondered WHO EXACTLY was tight knit?Things DON'T happen JUST BECAUSE! I believe all things happen for a reason--good or bad,we're supposed to learn from them---------we,as a society don't learn very well.After all,If you read the news ,WE are MAD AS HELL,WE have to make allowances for disabled human beings.HOW about our brave soldiers who come back in a wheel-chair? ALOT of you's didn't think about that when you's were waving the american flag! THEY LEFT AS AMERICANS,BUT NOW ACCORDING TO SOME--PEOPLE IN WHEELCHAIRS ARE in a different class BECAUSE OF THE "SPECIAL" VEHICLES,PUBLIC RAMPS they require to make the world accessible to them.My Father is in a wheelchair..he use to be the most people friendly person in the world and out and about.Now,he does'nt go out very much,only to doctor and such--I shop for him.Its NOT because he's in the wheelchair,it's because of the way he's made to feel for being in that chair!...Lately though,the big story is the little girl with the severe peanut allergy,whose parents sent her to school.I would'nt think kids having to wash hands more and obstaining from peanut products while at school would be such a big deal.The parents especially do though.Like my Dad,the consenses is,she should stay home so their kids can have a normal life. TO THOSE KINDS OF PEOPLE,I SAY " IGNORANCE AND INTOLERANCE IS ALIVE AND WELL IN YOU'S AND YOU'S ARE DOING A FINE JOB GROOMING THE NEXT GENERATION"               what have we become?..........nothing......nothing different than what was already here festering from the dark ages.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


         I am just starting this page and hope to have it    visible to everyone  within a few days...PLEASE be patient